From the railway station in Orcesco, hamlet of Druogno (820 mt.), go towards the old town centre of the village. Walk up towards South-West until you reach an unpaved road that goes level to the right. Follow this road and after a short distance, you will find the mule track, well marked by signs, that goes up towards South-West through a wide depression.
The track goes up until you reach the valley of Rio Lupo. Cross the river on the wooden bridge.
Then the mule track winds up regularly towards South through the fascinating beechwood. You will find then an unpaved road that has been recently realized.
Follow this road and after a short distance on your left you will find the mule track. Before Alpe Motta you will find again the unpaved road. Go up through the meadow of Alpe Motta and then continue through the wood until you reach the wide pastures of Alpe Campra, that are covered with snow. The view stretches over Valle Vigezzo.